Apologies…..it seems that despite my best efforts, a rotten bug has snuck in and knocked me for six….the winter blues have set in big time…
I was perfectly alright two days ago…had a slight cough yesterday….then overnight, it hit me with all it’s strength!
It is a weird one as usually when I get this sort of thing, I get a cold first, before it turning into a cough.
This one seems to have skipped the pleasantries, and gone straight for the throat…so to speak!
I sound like a heavy smoker, with a racking cough to match….I don’t know if I am hot or cold….and I can’t keep my eyes open after spending last night keeping me, my husband, and the furkids awake by coughing!
My husband was happy to escape to work…I just hope he doesn’t catch it as he is immunosuppressed due to having had a transplant. A simple cold can turn nasty for him…
My main achievement for the day has been getting from bed to the couch, which is very unusual for me as I don’t like sitting still!
However, I have two furry “nurses” who are very happy for me to have a lazy day at home….although they keep giving me worried looks when I have a coughing fit…
It’s amazing how the dogs seem to know when you aren’t feeling well…Miss Charlotte is certainly quite comfortable, curled up on my lap.
It is good day to be stuck at home…the wind is picking up and the forecast is for nasty weather.
I am lying here, on the couch, watching the trees being whipped around as the gusts come through.
But the good news is that despite feeling awful, I still have the taste for tea….
So please forgive this unexpected break in normal transmission, while I wrestle this bug into submission with an artillery of vitamins, pain killers, cough mixture….and lots of tea!
Those winter coughs are horrible. Hope the tea and tablets do the trick!