My life has changed so much health wise, even from just a couple of years ago…and it all seems mainly caused by a defective thyroid and it’s subsequent removal. One minute I was cruising along at high speed…so full of energy and ideas. Next minute, my body hit a brick wall and seemingly overnight turned […]
Papillary Thryroid Cancer
Good News – I am Thyroid Cancer Free!
By Sarah in Liver Transplant, Thyroid Cancer 6 Comments Tags: Cancer, cancer free, look after your health, Papillary Thryroid Cancer, Thyroid cancer
After my husband got his good report from the surgeon at his check up yesterday, I was hoping the good news would continue when it came to the results of my scans and tests. And I can very happily report that it has….late yesterday afternoon, I got a call from my cancer specialist….I am still […]
All Clear!
By Sarah in Thyroid Cancer 4 Comments Tags: all clear, Papillary Thryroid Cancer, radioactive iodine, Thyroid cancer
Last week I had an appointment with a thyroid cancer specialist…it was decided that I would have blood tests to ascertain whether I would need to have the radioactive iodine treatment… And my specialist would ring me when the results were in with the final decision! Every time my phone rang today, I must admit […]
More Treatment Required…Maybe
By Sarah in Thyroid Cancer 1 Comment Tags: hospital, Papillary Thryroid Cancer, radioactive iodine, the Alfred Hospital, Thryoid Cancer
After four months of waiting, today I finally had my appointment with the Thryroid cancer specialist… As we hadn’t been to this hospital for years, we headed off early to ensure finding a carpark….and finding the right department! As usual, my husband’s good luck at finding car parks continued…and he fluked one a minute after […]