Like many people across Australia, we are now on holidays…we only have a few days but it is a very much needed break after a busy few months.

But I am finding it isn’t easy to turn my racing mind off…to stop thinking of the 101 different things I should, or could, be doing and just stop.

The trouble is, after everything my husband and I have been through, we hate wasting a minute of our second chance…which means sometimes we do forget to give ourselves permission to slow down for a little while.

To stop and breathe…breathe in that divine fresh, salty winter air.


And how many of you actually look at your surroundings…I mean, really look!

Or are you like me…often looking at my world on a screen instead…or through a camera viewfinder.

I realised yesterday that although I see my environment, I sometimes don’t actually absorb it…it’s like my eyes are viewing what’s around me, but the brain isn’t processing it…appreciating it.

I guess I have forgotten how to just sit and enjoy the beauty and interest that is all around me.

Another thing I don’t do enough of is to look up…you would be amazed at what you can miss if you don’t look up!

We tested this theory out a few days ago, when we were in the city, and discovered some gorgeous old buildings and street art we had no idea were there…yet we have walked passed them many, many times!

Like this amazing piece of street art…


Or these beautiful old buildings…how I adore this city…


Or how amazing this cloud looks with the sun shining on it…


So my aim for the next few days, is to turn off my screens and put my cameras down…to find a nice, warm spot tucked away in the winter sun…and to just stop…breathe…look….absorb.

Are you on holidays too?

Do you plan to sit and relax for a while or will it be all go, go, go?

Do you know how to relax or are you like me and hate to waste a second…share in the comments below!