On the blog this week, I have posted a three part series featuring an interview we did with Donation Specialist Nursing Coordinator Leanne McEvoy and Intensive Care Physician Doctor Cameron Knott.
My husband and I have had experience of organ donation from a recipient’s point of view, so this interview allowed us to find out more about what happens before the prospective recipients receive the call to say a suitable organ has been found.
The interview is a lot of reading, but I hope you found it as interesting and informative as we did.
We were unaware that the process can begin a few days before that call is made…time is allowed for the donor family to make the decision, and to say their final goodbyes.
However, once a family makes the decision to allow organ donation, then everyone swings into action….hundreds of phone calls can be made, as teams of surgeons are organised to retrieve the organs and tissues, and the waiting lists are checked to find the best recipients.
I will write more about the process over the coming months, as we meet with other key personnel involved in organ donation and transplantation.
I am a registered organ donor….I registered as soon as I was old enough as my parents have always been open in discussing organ donation….little did I know that I would see the benefits of organ donation first hand!
Jas is also registered donor…he could still potentially be able to donate some organs/tissues even though he has had a transplant.
While your age and medical history will be considered, you shouldn’t assume you’re too young, too old or not healthy enough to become a donor!
So how do you become a registered donor here in Australia?
The Australian Organ Donor Register (the Donor Register) is the only national register for people to record their decision about becoming an organ and tissue donor.
You can register your wish to be an organ donor, and you have complete choice over which organs and tissues you wish to donate.
If you don’t want to be a donor, you can also put this on the Register.
In the event of your death, the Register can be checked, and your family and loved ones informed of your decision.
In fact, at this very stressful and emotional time, the most important thing that helps a family’s decision is their knowing the donation decision of their loved one.
But please keep in mind….the family of every potential donor will be asked to confirm the donation decision of their loved one before donation can proceed.
And potentially, they can overrule your decision, so it is vital to ensure that they know of your wishes.
You can register in two ways….either online by clicking here or you can download and fill in a form to send in via mail.
Deciding to become a registered donor is a very positive act, but it is a decision that you need to discuss and share with your family and close friends.
Have you had the chat yet?
To find out more about organ donation in Australia, click here to visit the DonateLife website!
I’m registered!