Another year has roared to a close…seriously, how fast do the days fly, especially when on holidays!
I don’t do New Year Resolutions but the last few years I have made a list of things I want to do in the months ahead.
But to be honest, I don’t seem to have achieved many of them!
So this time I am keeping it simple…a list of just five things I want to do in 2017…
Learn to develop Film
Now I have rediscovered my love for film photography…and collecting vintage cameras…I want to go further and learn how to develop my own film.
It would be just awesome to be a part of the entire process from loading the camera, to seeing what I have captured develop in front of my eyes!
Learn how to Crochet
I have tried various crafts in the past….I can make a very cute hand made teddy bear…but have never attempted to crochet.
I like the fact you don’t need much to start crocheting..a crochet hook and some yarn…and that there is plenty of resources on the internet to help a newbie begin.
I also like the fact that crocheting would stop me from spending too much time staring at my computer/ipad screen, and give my poor eyes a break.
Learn to play the Bass Guitar
Ok, this one is a little out of left field…I am a trained musician so can read music, although sadly it has been a while since I played any instruments.
But I have always wanted to learn how to play a bass guitar…I am a sucker for a good bass line.
And hey, you are never too old to learn!
I am guessing I will probably never actually play anywhere but I just want to learn…to say I have played bass.
I have already taken the first step…picked up a teaching book from a local op shop for $1…now just need to hunt down an actual bass guitar.
Anyone got one spare I could borrow?
Run 5km
Now I have had this on my list for the last few years, and have not even come close to achieving it.
It’s now time to get serious and actually tick this one off the list…I have no excuses so just need to do it!
This will probably be the hardest to achieve on this list but I would love to be able to join my husband on a run, instead of walking along behind.
But I have started…managed a 0.51km run in the rain this morning…not far but did actually run without stopping!
Go up in a Hot Air Balloon
This one has definitely been on my bucket list for years…every time the hot air balloons drift over our roof, it reminds me that I must do it.
My husband hates heights so not sure if he would be game enough to come with me, but this year, it will happen.
Can you imagine how many photos I would take?!?
So that is my 2017 list…bring it on!
Whats on your list for 2017? Share in the comments below as I would love to know!
Such great list! And yes yes yes to crochet! What I love about it most, it that once you’ve learnt the basics, you can basically crochet any pattern. You also see results much faster than knitting and if you make a mistake, it’s so easy to undo and continue from the point before the mistake!! I love it and can’t wait to see you creations 🙂
Thanks Jess! I am off to hunt down a crochet hook and some yarn tomorrow…no time like the present to get started! Not sure how good I will be though….