Another Christmas has come and gone! We had a different sort of Christmas this year…firstly, we stayed in the city instead of being down the coast. Since I was a baby, I have only had a handful of Christmas Days at home…still feels kinda weird! I started the day being lazy and lounging in bed….my […]
Merry Christmas!
By Sarah in Christmas Tags: Merry Christmas

Safe Journey Santa!
By Sarah in Christmas, General Tags: Christmas, Google santa tracker, NORAD, Santa Tracker
I just love it when technology can create something that can bring some fun to kids….and adults….and assist to keep alive the belief in Santa! Its Christmas Eve, and Santa is getting ready… did you know you can get an app, or use a computer, to track Santa on his journey around the world on […]
Yes Virginia, There is a Santa Claus
By Sarah in Christmas, General Tags: Francis Pharcellus Church, Santa Claus, Yes Virginia
I want to still believe there is a Santa…I want to hold onto that wonderful childish belief that a man with a white beard, is able to travel the world , in one night, and deliver presents to those who have been good. But unfortunately growing up quickly dispelled this belief.. However, I came across […]
Let the Holidays Commence
By Sarah in Book Reviews, Christmas, General Tags: books, Christmas, holidays, reading, relaxing, summer holidays
Finally, the holidays are here in our house! I love the start of a long break…the anticipation and the knowledge of the days ahead to enjoy and savour! Fingers crossed Summer finally kicks in though…. So whats on my list for these Christmas holidays… 1. Spend time with my husband and furkids, just enjoying being […]
The Ghosts of Christmas Past
By Sarah in Christmas, General Tags: Christmas Day, Christmas traditions, family, Presents
Christmas is just not what it used to be! I love Christmas time…it means holidays, hot days, time on the beach and decorating! It also means a rather strong Brandy sauce over a homemade pudding…that famous sauce could run a car! But as each year goes past, the whole joy of Christmas seems to be […]
The Fun of Kris Kringle
By Sarah in Book Reviews, Christmas, General Tags: 100 Ghosts, Book, Doogie Horner, ghosts, Kris Kringle, Secret Santa
We have a Kris Kringle/Secret Santa at work every year…we are a small group which makes it easier to have some idea what to buy the person whose name you draw out from the hat! So I always find it interesting to see what I get….I think that it is a sort of an indication […]
There is a Santa!
By Sarah in Christmas, General Tags: Christmas, Santa, Westjet Christmas Miracle
Some of you may have already seen this clip that is doing the rounds of social media, but I love it so much I just had to share it! Passengers on two WestJet Airline flying out of Toronto Pearson International Airport and the other from John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport…were casually asked by […]