August is coming to a close, and after some freezing weather, which included hail and frost, I am excited to say that Spring is now in the air!
Here is my Taking Stock list for this month….
Making : an effort with my outfits, something I have never really done before! I now have a few that I always seem to get compliments for when I wear them…including this one that I just bought from Katies….yes, Katies!
Drinking : tea…yep still plenty of tea…found a new tea house in Melbourne…stay tuned!
Reading: the Miss Fisher Murders series…still working my way through each one…thankfully my library has quite a few available for loan!
Wanting: to get back to walking daily, especially now the weather is better!
Looking: at my fab nails…I am still loving the Bio Sculpture, and the ladies are really nice where I is become a bit of a social event!
Deciding: that I have to be more focused when vintage shopping…be realistic…if it really doesn’t fit, it’s probably not a good idea!
Wishing: I could catch up on all my “real” work…I just get near to the top of the list, and another heap of projects land on my desk! Although I do prefer being busy…sort of…
Enjoying: meeting some fabulous people on our travels!
Waiting: for next weekend….we are going to see Queen in concert! Now what will I wear….
Liking: that our partially collapsed back fence is being replaced this week…FINALLY!
Wondering: when all our extra expenses will stop…between my medical bills, and our oldest dog’s vet bills plus a car service….everything always lands at once…
Loving: the weekend we had away in Ballarat….had so much fun! Highlights included this amazing vintage shop…
Pondering: why doctors call what they do “practice”…isn’t that a bit of a worry?
Watching: the second series of Miss Fisher Murders..yep, I am a little obsessed…
Hoping: that once I have all my check up tests, I will get the all clear.
Needing: to get out in the sunshine and fresh air!
Smelling: Spring…its coming! I can’t describe it, but all of a sudden you can smell it!
Following: the posts/tweets/instagrams about the forthcoming bloggers conference in the Gold Coast…which sadly I am unable to attend. So I will live vicariously through others!
Noticing: the days are getting lighter earlier, and darker later…very happy about that!
Thinking: that I am really a lucky girl….life is pretty good at the moment…fingers crossed it continues!
Feeling: so proud of my husband…he conducted two primary school choirs at an Eisteddford today…and one came 3rd and one came 4th. It is the first time he has ever conducted a choir in a competition!
Sorting: out ideas for future posts…as I post every day, I really need to get more organised and schedule ahead more!
Buying: shoes…..seem to be collecting vintage shoes at a great rate…I mean, I couldn’t leave these behind…
Getting: totally addicted to Instagram…how did that happen?
Bookmarking: shops and places I want to visit…for research of course!
Disliking: people who think they are so much better then everyone else…
Hearing: brass bands perform in Ballarat!
Over to you….do you take stock?