I hate it when a holiday ends…it means trying to jam everything back into cases and saying goodbye to the place…or places…you have called home while you were away.

I faced the journey home today with a little more trepidation then usual, because for the past few days I have been suffering from a blocked ear, complete with a painful ear ache.

A kindly local doctor in Newtown squeezed me in on Thursday, and after one look into my ear, told me that it was jammed full of wax (sorry!)…he had a go at syringing it…which somehow ended up with water everywhere….but it was well and truly stuck.

He gave me the advice not to fly home as it could cause painful damage, and gave me a medical certificate…and wished me luck!

We contemplated driving home…but the cost of using the hire car we had was frighting.

We probably could have negotiated with another car company but decided it was too hard.

We then found out that we could stay at the accommodation for another night, so went to change our flights to a day or two later…once again, we hit the problem of high costs to change due to the type of fare we had.

So I continued to pump various drops into my ear, in the hope it would miraculously clear.

But no luck…I decided that despite feeling awful, and completely deaf on one side, the only thing was to brave the short flight home, and then go to my normal doctor as soon as I could.

With the decision made, we set about the task of squeezing everything into the cases…I can’t believe how many vintage outfits I ended up buying…and headed out to the airport this morning.

I have never been so nervous boarding a flight as I was this morning…I did everything I could to prepare my blocked ear…FESS nose spray, ear drops, pain killers and some specially designed ear plugs, recommended for flying.

Flying Home

For the first time in my life, we boarded the plane first, and I set about getting myself ready…including bringing some nuts to chew on.

And all my worry was for nothing…I thankfully had no issues whatsoever…my ear still continued to hurt, but didn’t get any worse, so I count that as success.

Not sure if the earplugs were the reason, but I can recommend trying these cleverly named Ear Planes if you do suffer from ear problems when flying!

Ear planes

Never have I been so glad to land..hello Melbourne!


Now home, we have unpacked…I have no idea how we managed to close the cases with the amount of stuff we brought back….put everything away, done the washing, shopping etc.

And just like that, we are back to normality again…me still with a dodgy ear, but at least we are home safe and sound.

Thank you Sydney, despite the somewhat painful finish, we loved our stay…I am already hoping we can go back for another visit, as there are so many more places to check out…vintage shopping of course!

Have you had a difficult trip home from a holiday? Share your story in the comments below!